Monday, September 10, 2007


The MAVERICK Group’s consultation services in this growth area focus on the integration and consolidation of disadvantaged communities. Particular care is taken in establishing community structures and organizations before any project development is embarked upon.

Communication Creates Community

It is the Group’s fervent belief that a community is a collection of people linked together by communication within a physical environment that can be altered by their collective action. It is therefore imperative to foster active interpersonal communication structures, which eventually leads to a common purpose and solidarity within specific communities.

The true art of community building lies in the structuring of effective communication channels, structures and network linkages. These empower people to define their own problems, set their own goals and, ultimately, to come up with their own solutions. It is a process in which both individual and group abilities are developed; a methodology by which the disenfranchised learn how to resolve their differences, how to unite in creating power bases and how to act and re-act on their own behalf.

To this end the following services are offered:

Community Needs Audit
Community Infrastructure Audit
Community Networks Audit

It is futile to attempt development in fractured and disparate communities. Brand identity, brand values and brand loyalty needs to be developed and, from the emerging cohesive empowered bases, sustainable projects are then instigated and the continued upliftment of the community ensured.

Thereafter, follows support for the accessing of funds from national, provincial and local government structures, as well as from other sources such as NGO’s and foreign agencies.


Communities can only develop from within. But, such a process can be advanced by the planned and sustained intervention of professionally trained facilitators. Good communication is at the base of any such project and it is only through the catalyst of strategised and integrated communication that transformation can be realized.

The focus, at all times, should be on identifying entrenched traditional behaviour patterns and beliefs that culminate in destructive social customs and, ultimately, lead to greater poverty. The facilitating process, therefore, should concentrate on how to amend such structures, how to empower minority groups and the victims of discrimination, as well as to devising means by which true worth can be conveyed.

It is only once a holistic community audit has been completed that implementation projects on the ground can be attempted. These, among others, would include projects in the areas of:

Food Production Projects & Grassroots Agriculture
Industrial Development & Access to Markets Facilitation

Family Planning
Primary Health Care
HIV/AIDS and STD Management & Prevention Programmes
Drug Abuse
Projects for the Eradication of Survival & Petty Crimes

Education Projects Development
Sport and Recreational Projects Development
Cultural Projects


also specializes in the higher development levels of communities once the foundation projects for job creation and primary social development has been put in place.

PO Box 85414, Emmarentia, 2029, South Africa / 20 Hagen Road, Greenside, 2193, Johannesburg, South Africa
Tel No: +27 11 646 0562/ 646 8501 * Fax No: +27 11 646 2534 * Email:

Mavhold (Pty) Ltd trading as The MAVERICK Group
Company Registration Number: 2002/014380/07

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